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Springtime Activities

Springtime Activities
Posted on March 25, 2022 by CHS

Winter has ended and spring is here! After weeks of colder weather and spending more time indoors, the sunshine, warmer temperatures, and fresh air make spring the perfect season for spending time outdoors. Below is a list of activities children and families can do to make the most of this beautiful season.  

Blow Giant Bubbles
Make big bubbles with a few supplies and ingredients. First, create your bubble solution by gently mixing one cup of dish soap, one tablespoon of glycerin, and four cups of water in a large bucket. Next, make a big wand by gathering two drinking straws and a piece of yarn that is six to eight times longer than one straw. Thread the yarn through the straws and tie it in a knot. Then, using the straws as handles, place the wand into your bubble solution. Wave it through the air in a big sweeping motion. Hold your arms high and walk backwards to make giant bubbles. You can even create a family competition to see who can blow the biggest bubbles!

Fly a Kite
Enjoy a breezy day by flying a kite and running around at the beach or a park. Beginners can use a triangle-shaped “delta” kite, which is easy to assemble and steadier in the air. To launch the kite, hold the line with one hand and the kite up to the sky in the other. Allow the wind to catch the kite and let go! Be sure to use an open space, and avoid powerlines and trees. Do not fly a kite in a thunderstorm as it is unsafe.

Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt
Nature scavenger hunts are a great way for children to explore and make discoveries in their environment. Invite your child on an outdoor scavenger hunt to look for and collect natural materials; then, make a nature sensory bin with the materials collected. A nature sensory bin is a basket or container filled with items found in nature. Items you might find include acorns, rocks, flowers, feathers, seeds, and herbs. Look for materials with various textures, sizes, colors, and smells to stimulate as many senses as possible. Be sure to avoid anything harmful to the touch, taste, or smell. Once you have gone on your scavenger hunt and gathered the items in your sensory bin, have your child touch, smell, and describe the different characteristics of the items to expand their sensory development.

Spring is the time to plant fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants. Gardening is a wonderful opportunity for children to learn about healthy eating, the environment, and life cycles. Watching their garden grow over time also teaches patience and optimism. Allow your child to be creative by having them choose what they would like to grow. You can also consider a theme, such as a rainbow garden (flowers of every color of the rainbow) or an alphabet garden (plants with names starting with different letters of the alphabet). If you do not have the space to grow your own garden, consider volunteering at a community garden. You might also set up a small herb garden near a windowsill, or plant a few succulents in small pots that fit on a shelf or desk.

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