Starting the New Year Right

Posted on January 2, 2019 by CHS
Now that 2018 is over, we are entering into a whole new year! To help you stay ahead of the game, we have compiled tips on starting the year off strong. Before looking to the new year, reflect on your past year by asking yourself the questions below. It might help to use a journal to organize your thoughts.
- What was something that I accomplished that I am proud of?
- What challenges did I work to overcome? What tools did I use to improve my situation?
- How was my health? (Reflect on your eating habits, exercise regimen, mental health, and sleep quality).
- How were my relationships with family and friends? Who has been supportive to me?
- What is something I could have handled differently? How can I apply this reflection to 2019?
Use these questions to reflect back on your accomplishments and challenges from the past year to guide you into a healthy and productive 2019.
Below are some additional tips for entering into 2019:
House Cleaning.
Regardless of how clean we keep our homes, dust and clutter require ongoing attention. To start the year off on a clean slate, plan a day with the family to deep clean your home. A clean house will help you clear your mind and focus on important things. A Lunar New Year tradition is to clean one’s house for the new year to get rid of bad luck from the last year and to make room for good fortune in the new year.
Focus Priority on your Health
While so much of our focus is spent on supporting our families, we must also take time for our own health. Commit to your health and well-being this year by prioritizing your physical and mental health. Schedule your medical check-ups, dental cleaning, and vision exam early on this year to be proactive about your health. Talk to your doctor about any health concerns you may have. To support healthy eating and physical fitness for your whole family, exercise together (walk around a park, dance in the living room, do jumping jacks each morning, etc.) and create healthy recipes and cook together. By focusing on your well-being, you can be a stronger and healthier person and role model for those around you.
Manage your Finance and Budget
After the holiday season, it is a good time to take stock of our finances and review our budget for the coming year. Children’s Home Society of California has many resources that can help you learn about your credit score, household bill organization, budgeting and saving money, and saving for your child’s college education. Check out our previous blogs on each subject.
- How to Improve Your Credit Score
- Tips on Organizing Your Household Bills
- Tips for Budgeting and Saving Money
- How to Save for your Child’s College Education